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Welcome to Absorbing Reads


If you landed on this post, then thanks for stopping by and reading this quick post. I know everyone's life is busy nowadays (mine included!) but I'm grateful to anyone and everyone reading along. So, if you're wondering why Spongebob is the title character of this article and THEN you finally realized why this blog is called Absorbing Reads... well, you can see the love of Spongebob and how far it goes.

But, seriously. Why am I reading this, you may ask.

Well, I have always loved reading. And I grew up loving books, adoring the public library being too broke to buy books. I enjoyed travelling to worlds that people made up with characters that felt like imaginary friends at the time when I was younger. Reading was an escape, and now.. a career path. To those who know me, you all know the basics:

  • 100% Gemini

  • 20 years on this planet (woohoo.)

  • Studying to become an English teacher

  • I love spongebob and chocolate but hate coconut. and pickles. and avocado. and mustard.

  • I also write novels and have been pitching my stories since 2021!

  • I'm left-handed :)

Now, to those who don't know me, there goes your quick snapshot of who I am. Other important details include being the resident optimist, listening to music a bunch, enjoying Mickey Mouse (the retro version of course!) and Star Wars. This blog will cover primarily books, but also tidbits of writing advice, snippets of my own writing (GASP) and other things like book recommendations as well as My Top 5, which sets out to be a quick snapshot of top 5 things in whatever category (while that is food, music, movies, books, etc.) It's meant to be something slightly different from the usual.

And get ready for the song vibe checks in each book review blog post. You may just find a new song to treasure! Thanks for reading (or skimming) all the way through.



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