Because nearly all sequels go topsy-turvy at some point.
Song Vibe Check:
"I Knew You Were Trouble" By: Taylor Swift
"Devil I Know" By: Allie X
"Love Story" By: Sarah Cothran
NOTE: This is a sequel to the first book, The Ravens. Light Spoilers ahead!!!
Witch covens are always something I like reading about. Frankly, if there are witches mentioned in a book, I am likely reading it. So, when I heard about The Ravens coming out, I added it onto my list and knocked it off around the time I realized I still had to wait almost a year for the next book to come out. Once it came out, I forgot about its existence until I stumbled upon it at my local library.
And two days later, I finished reading it. And I finally understand why it went under my radar for so long.
Short summary: continuation of sorority witches doing witchy things and somehow saving the day.
Long summary? As much as I loved my raven coven in book 1, they pissed me off for the first 250 pages of the book. It literally went something like this:
Scarlett becomes president and finds out everything is going downhill since day one, filled with bad omens from the tarot cards.
Vivi is a people pleaser with a boyfriend I would still love to steal from her.
When combined, both Vivi and Scarlett do one good thing and a million things go downhill and everything falls apart.
Something good happens.
More bad stuff happens and fights ensue.
And on and on it goes and it takes the two authors half a book to introduce that REAL problem which wasn't a group of sorority girls wishing revenge, but a demon they accidentally released and ended up hiding in the boyfriend of the girl the entire coven blamed. And trust issues begin. More things fall apart.
I spent a good amount of time considering to just skip to the end, but miraculously, all the disasters get fixed by the end of the book with a small cost of a character that had so much potential, but got thrown into the dumpster of a snapped neck.
Yeah, I'll let you all have your moment of silence. (RIP XAVIER)
Now, it ended with both Scarlett and Vivi getting happy endings and yeah, that's great and all, but I am gleeful not for the ending. Because it was a cheesy "It was magic" ending.
I liked it because I know I won't have to wait for another book/another dumpster fire.
So.... we go back to the historically known fact that first books will infinitely be better than sequels. Some books do mark the exception, but this one was not it.
Overall: 2/5 stars.
P.S. I would still love to steal Vivi's boyfriend though because he is the ONE GOOD THING IN THIS ENTIRE series. And Mei. She's cool too.